I am trying to combine two multi-element dictionaries but am running into a problem.

From the example below, what I expected was the dictionary x to contain all three unique combinations.

What seems to have happened is that the y dictionary overwrote the x dictionary.

Am I just using this wrong? Is there a elegant way to add two multi element dictionaies?

>>> x=nested_dict()
>>> y=nested_dict()
>>> x[1][1]=1
>>> x[1][2]=2
>>> y[1][3]=3
>>> x.update(y)
>>> print x
defaultdict(<class 'nested_dict.nested_dict'>, {1: defaultdict(<class 'nested_dict.nested_dict'>, {3: 3})})

This is correct, as you are updating x[1], that is y's key is also 1 and so overwrite's whatever is in x for that key. Change to
or use
and you should get what you expect.. If that's not satisfactory then you will have to write your own routine to update however you want.




format should work.

If I walk through the keys of Y and use the same value for the key of X, that should let me merge two arbitrary two element dictionaries :)

Indeed it should, but test for "key in x" as well, or use a try/except, as you can never tell. Please mark this "solved" so no wastes their time on a solved thread.

Edit: I just did the following and it worked fine so you don't have to test for "key in x" as update takes care of that for you.

x = {}
x[1] = {}

y = {}
y[2] = {}
print x
# prints
{1: {1: 1, 2: 2}, 2: {3: 3}}

Marked as solved. Thanks for the help!

This is what I ended up with, works great :)

def merge(lib1,lib2):
    for item in lib2.keys():
    return lib1

This is what I ended up with, works great :)

def merge(lib1,lib2):
    for item in lib2.keys():
    return lib1

Mild caveat, for this to work lib1 and lib2 have to be of type collections.defaultdict(dict) , and each value has to be a dictionary too.

Here is a typical eaxmple ...

# merge two dictionaries and handle key collisions with 
# collections.defaultdict(dict)

import collections

def merge(lib1, lib2):
    for item in lib2.keys():
    return lib1

d1 = {'a':{1:11}, 'b':{2:22}, 'c':{3:33}}
d2 = {'d':{4:44}, 'c':{5:55}, 'e':{6:66}}

# mutliple values go into a dictionary
lib1 = collections.defaultdict(dict)
lib2 = collections.defaultdict(dict)

# convert each dict to a defaultdict

print( merge(lib1, lib2) )

"""my result (notice key 'c')-->
defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {'a': {1: 11}, 'c': {3: 33}, 'b': {2: 22}})
defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {'c': {5: 55}, 'e': {6: 66}, 'd': {4: 44}})
defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {'a': {1: 11}, 'c': {3: 33, 5: 55}, 
'b': {2: 22}, 'e': {6: 66}, 'd': {4: 44}})
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