Greetings, I have just developed a content-managed, database-driven application application that makes heavy use of postbacks and session variables. We own the domain that the site was designed to be hosted on, however, the customer does not want our URL showing. The solution our firm has used in the past is to just put the entire application within a frameset with the top frameset at 0% and the bottom one at 100%, thus the only file that needs to live on the customer's site is the frameset itself. In this case, the frameset is a Cold Fusion page but there is no server-side logic--just the HTML frameset. It is a cold fusion page because I'm told this is what worked in the past. They are running the .NET framework on the server but I don't know if they have any .NET sites up there. I was told that this should work because all of the code to run the application should work fine because everything should be self-contained within the frame, however, anytime a postback is done, it tends to lose all of its session variables. To further complicate matters, the same frameset, let's call it frameset.cfm works fine when both the frameset page and application are hosted on the same server, but when only the frameset.cfm page is moved to the client's server, the sessions fail, especially on pages with postbacks.

Could someone explain to me what is going on and help me come up with a workaround? Because we need to contact the customer's IT department each time a file is placed on their server, we are hoping to involve them as little as possible. My next step is going to be to create a frameset.aspx page that will live on their server but I am told that our firm has never had a problem with the frameset.cfm files before...

Ohh, and lastly, It always works in Firefox (even in the frameset hosted on their server), and sometimes works in IE. On some IE 8 machines it works all the time, on some IE 8 machines it works most of the time, and on some IE8 machines it fails most of the time...

Thanks in advance

If you're controlling the site but they control the domain, why don't you have them set up a DNS entry for to your server and host the domain that way? Doing what you're talking about can work but it will be a nightmare to support.

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