I am trying to insert data from textboxes in sql server 2005 database using dataset(table adapters) in c# windows application
herez the simplest coding that i know but its not working.
I have made two tables in my database i.e. product and country table.
In country table adapter i add query of insert and execute there and its working correctly but when i m using textboxes to insert data in tables, it not works and even not giving any errors or exceptions.
plz help me out!
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataSet1TableAdapters.countryTableAdapter cta = new WindowsApplication4.DataSet1TableAdapters.countryTableAdapter();
DataSet1.countryDataTable ctbl = new DataSet1.countryDataTable();
cta.Insertdata(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text);