I am currently learning Python and how to work with start and stop indexing. I am doing a project from the book I am learning from and I'm stumped...I need to display a full deck of cards, with
numbers = ("A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K")
suits = ("c", "h", "s", "d")
so that it displays the entire deck, paired and ordered to look like:
Ac Ah As Ad
2c 2h 2s 2d
3c 3h 3s 3d
Qc Qh Qs Qd
Kc Kh Ks Kd
so far all I have are the numbers and suits set up but I keep trying to do things way too complicated with for loops, so i completely deleted my code and came here for fresh ideas.