I'm trying to write a python program that guesses a number that the user chooses between 1 and 1000 in no more than 10 guesses and I can not figure it out for my life! I know it's super beginner and there are a lot of problems, but please be patient with me.
#print instructions to the user
print 'Guess a number from 1 to 1000 and I will guess what it is in less than 10 tries! After each guess, tell me either "correct", "lower", or "higher".'
#here's the guesser...
def guess():
guesses = 1
low = 0
high = 1000
trick = high-low
while guesses < 11:
lower = trick/2+low #originally 250...
higher = trick+lower #originally 750...
print trick
correct = trick
question = "Is this your number? "
user_answer = input(question)
if user_answer == lower:
high = trick
trick = lower
guesses = guesses + 1
elif user_answer == higher:
low = trick
trick = higher
guesses = guesses + 1
elif user_answer == correct:
print "Sweet! That took me", guesses, "tries!"
guesses = 10
print 'Please enter "correct", "lower", or "higher"'
while not guesses < 11:
print "I'm a failure..."
guesses = 10