hi can anyone help me? i cant even run the program I have made...
This program should show the distinct numbers after you inputted numbers...

I really don't know what to do, hehehe..

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Distinct
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int ten = 10;
            int[] first = new int[10];
            int[] final = new int[10];
            int counter2,counter3;

            Console.Write("\nEnter 10 Numbers: ");
            for (int counter = 0; counter < ten; counter++)
                first[counter] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            for (counter2 = 0; counter2 < ten; counter2++)
                if (final[0] & final[1] & final[2] & final[3] & final[4]  & final[5] & final[6] & final[7] & final[8] & final[9] != first[counter2])
                    final[counter2] = first[counter2];
         for(counter3=0; counter3<ten; counter3++)




there's an error here, saying "Operator '&' cannot be applied to operands of type int and bool.

for (counter2 = 0; counter2 < ten; counter2++)
                if (final[0] & final[1] & final[2] & final[3] & final[4]  & final[5] & final[6] & final[7] & final[8] & final[9] != first[counter2])
                    final[counter2] = first[counter2];

sorry.. I am extremely noob. :(

Use double ampersands && in your if statement.

Hello, wil0022.
Indeed, you can't do like this:

if (final[0] & final[1] & final[2] & final[3] & final[4]  & final[5] & final[6] & final[7] & final[8] & final[9] != first[counter2])

I suppose this construction means "If first[counter2] isn't in the final array .."

If so - then the problem can be solved, e.g. by using nested loops:

// the number of distinct values found
            int numberOfDistinctNumbers = 0;

            // external loop will go through the entire First array
            // to check if the value already exist in the Final array
            for (int counter = 0; counter < ten; counter++)
                // true - if the value of First[counter]
                // already exist in array
                bool alreayExist = false;

                // then we go through the Final array
                for (counter2 = 0; counter2 < numberOfDistinctNumbers; counter2++)
                    // After the first occurrence of the value of First[counter]
                    // in the Final array - we setting the alreayExist to
                    // true and going out of that cycle
                    if (first[counter] == final[counter2])
                        alreayExist = true;

                // If we haven't found any occurrence of that number
                // in Final array - then it's distinct and we're adding it
                if (!alreayExist)
                    final[numberOfDistinctNumbers] = first[counter];
commented: turkish always support ukrainian +10

You can use LINQ too!

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;

namespace daniweb.console
  public static class Main5
    public static void Main()
      List<int> lst = new List<int>();
      Console.WriteLine("Enter 10 numbers");
      while (lst.Count < 10)
        Console.Write("Enter number #[{0:F0}]: ", lst.Count + 1);
        int i;
        if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out i))
          Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please try again");

      int[] uniques = lst.Distinct().ToArray();
      Console.WriteLine("You entered the unique numbers: {0}", string.Join(", ", uniques.ToList().ConvertAll<string>(Convert.ToString).ToArray()));

thanks guys..i will try this as soon as I installed the C# in my pc.. i formatted my pc last day... thanks.. thanks.. i'll post feedbacks if i have tried.. thanks a lot..

You can use LINQ too!

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;

namespace daniweb.console
  public static class Main5
    public static void Main()
      List<int> lst = new List<int>();
      Console.WriteLine("Enter 10 numbers");
      while (lst.Count < 10)
        Console.Write("Enter number #[{0:F0}]: ", lst.Count + 1);
        int i;
        if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out i))
          Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please try again");

      int[] uniques = lst.Distinct().ToArray();
      Console.WriteLine("You entered the unique numbers: {0}", string.Join(", ", uniques.ToList().ConvertAll<string>(Convert.ToString).ToArray()));

i get this.. hehehe.. this works.. thanks..

maybe C# has been easier if my teacher is really nice..

but sir.. what is this

List<int> lst = new List<int>();

is this a different way of declaring an variable?

is this a basic sir? hehe.. im sorry, so noob about the C# thing..

thanks a lot guys.. I learned more than when I'm at the lesson with my teacher.. gosh..

a List<> is a member of the System.Collections.Generic namespace. It allows you to create a Typed Collection of variables. In this case it is a collection of integers.

A list is a very flexible way of storing collections of variables as it allows sorting, finding, adding/deleting and doesnt require you to specify the size when instantiating it.

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