I have a text file that I need to find data and assign it to a variable. I have found code to read and search a file but the information I want is not always constant. The Items in Red will change. Is there a way to find this information, maybe by position and assign it to a variable? EX.FCITC = 690.4
Sorry if I was suppose to wrap the text files with the code tags I was not sure, because it was not code.
Study transfer. From FMPP_EXA To FPL_IMA . Transfer level - 1000.0 MW
Violations report ordered by transfer capability. Total 3 violations
FCITC TDF LODF <--------- Limiting constraint ---------> <--------- Contingency description ---------> Ncon PreShift Rating PTDF IntBase FnlBase
690.4 -0.12312 - 5567 IND RIV 115 B$0029 CTAB GSU 1.00 1 Base Case 0.0 -85.0
Study transfer level - 1000.0 MW. Total violations: 21
First violation - -756.5 MW.