hi, i have been asked to create a class, TestStudentContactDetails, which uses another classes method. the first class StudentContactDetails contains a method emailAddress(String RegNumber, String Course). This method takes the Course code supplied and opens a csv file stored at c:\UserFiles. It then searches the file for an entry corresponding to the RegNumber supplied. If the entry exists the emailAddress for this entry is returned. If no email address exists an exception iss thrown.
Below is what i have come up with for the TestStudentContactDetails class
/***** Author: David McCabe *** S-ID: 12129103 *****/
import java.io.*;
import ContactDetails.*;
public class TestStudentContactDetails {
//Creates a new instance of TestStudentContactDetails
public TestStudentContactDetails() {
public static void main (String [] args) {
// create instance
StudentContactDetails details = new StudentContactDetails(); // fill in the arguments
// call member
details.emailAddress("12129103", "E410UJ");
catch (ContactDetails.StudentContactDetails.IdNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Registration Number not found");
catch (ContactDetails.StudentContactDetails.EmailAddressNotAvailableException e)
System.out.println("Email Address not found");
catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("java.io.FileNotFoundException thrown");
catch (java.io.IOException e)
System.out.println("java.io.IOException thrown");
}// main
}// TestStudentContactDetails
The code for the StudentContactDetails class is below:
package ContactDetails;
import java.io.*;
public class StudentContactDetails
/* member class not found */
class EmailAddressNotAvailableException {}
/* member class not found */
class IdNotFoundException {}
public StudentContactDetails()
public String emailAddress(String RegNumber, String Course)
throws IdNotFoundException, EmailAddressNotAvailableException, FileNotFoundException, IOException
File inputFile = new File("c:/UserInfo/" + Course + ".csv");
char Separator = ',';
BufferedReader InputAddresses = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
String EmailAddressString = "***ERROR: Email Address not found for " + RegNumber;
String s;
boolean RegNumberFound;
for(RegNumberFound = false; (!RegNumberFound) & ((s = InputAddresses.readLine()) != null);)
int FirstSeparatorPos = s.indexOf(',', 0);
int SecondSeparatorPos = s.indexOf(',', FirstSeparatorPos + 1);
String NextRegNumber = s.substring(FirstSeparatorPos + 1, SecondSeparatorPos);
RegNumberFound = true;
int NextSeparatorPos = SecondSeparatorPos;
for(int PosCounter = 3; PosCounter < 9; PosCounter++)
NextSeparatorPos = s.indexOf(',', NextSeparatorPos + 1);
int EndSeparatorPos = s.indexOf(',', NextSeparatorPos + 1);
EmailAddressString = s.substring(NextSeparatorPos + 1, EndSeparatorPos);
return EmailAddressString;
throw new EmailAddressNotAvailableException();
} else
throw new IdNotFoundException();
I have had to add alot of exceptions handling to t he test class to get it to compile properly but i cant get any result from the emailAddress method call.
Any help would be much apprecicated.