Hey, ran into a little trouble with this, keep getting this error. I went over it many times, but can seem to find where the curly bracket is missing or if I have too many or so.

import java.lang.*;
 * Carries out the instructions from all the objects.
 * Enter your names, and be prepared for an all out
 * BRAWL!!!
 * @author Eric Foertsch
 * @version 2.02
public class Game{
    private GameBoard gameB;
    private Spinner spinn;
    private Player player1, player2, player3, player4;
    private int whoseTurn;

 * Instantiate's both the Gameboard and Spinner,
 * Takes user defined names, and assigns them to a player number,
 * and sets up player 1 to take the first turn.
public Game(String pPlayerName1,String pPlayerName2,String pPlayerName3,String pPlayerName4){
    gameB = new GameBoard();
    spinn = new Spinner(6);
    player1 = new Player(pPlayerName1, 1);
    player2 = new Player(pPlayerName2, 2);
    player3 = new Player(pPlayerName3, 3);
    player4 = new Player(pPlayerName4, 4);
    whoseTurn = 1;
 * Creates a visual representation of the gameboard, and pieces,
 * and prints it out.
public void printGameStatus(){

* this is a helper method to generate spaces.
* * the call replicate(" ",13) will return a 13 character String of spaces
private String replicate(String input, int nbr){
    String retVal="";
    for(int i=0; i<nbr; i++)
        return retVal;

 * Sets up the turn order, and rules for this game.
 * It contains, a rollback if whoseTurn = 5,
 * it also contains instructions for losing and taking
 * another turn, as well as winning and losing.
public boolean nextTurn(){
    String returnValue ="";

 * Player 1
if(whoseTurn == 1){
    returnValue = player1.takeTurn(spinn, gameB);
    System.out.println("Player 1 " + returnValue);
if(returnValue.contains("Spin again") || (player1.getPosition() == 5) || (player1.getPosition() == 10) || (player1.getPosition() == 15)){
    player1.takeTurn(spinn, gameB);
    whoseTurn = whoseTurn + 1;
        return true;
        return false;
whoseTurn = whoseTurn + 1;
        return true;

 * Player 2
if(whoseTurn == 2){
    returnValue = player2.takeTurn(spinn, gameB);
    System.out.println("Player 2 " + returnValue);
if(returnValue.contains("Spin again") || (player2.getPosition() == 5) || (player2.getPosition() == 10) || (player2.getPosition() == 15)){
    player2.takeTurn(spinn, gameB);
    whoseTurn = whoseTurn + 1;
        return true;
        return false;
whoseTurn = whoseTurn + 1;
        return true;

 * Player 3
if(whoseTurn == 3){
    returnValue = player3.takeTurn(spinn, gameB);
    System.out.println("Player 3 " + returnValue);
if(returnValue.contains("Spin again") || (player3.getPosition() == 5) || (player3.getPosition() == 10) || (player3.getPosition() == 15)){
    player3.takeTurn(spinn, gameB);
    whoseTurn = whoseTurn + 1;
        return true;
        return false;
whoseTurn = whoseTurn + 1;
        return true;

 * Player 4
if(whoseTurn == 4){ <----Errors here 
    returnValue = player4.takeTurn(spinn, gameB);
    System.out.println("Player 4 " + returnValue);
if(returnValue.contains("Spin again") || (player4.getPosition() == 5) || (player4.getPosition() == 10) || (player4.getPosition() == 15)){
    player4.takeTurn(spinn, gameB);
    whoseTurn = 1;
        return true;
        return false;
whoseTurn = 1;
        return true;
        return true;

 * Plays the whole game, untill there is a winner.
public void playWholeGame(){
    boolean done = true;
        while(done == true){
        done = nextTurn();

It works fine with 3 players, but the fourth errors.

if (returnValue.contains("won")) {
                return false;
            // } <--------------------------------------------<

            whoseTurn = whoseTurn + 1;
            return true;
         * Player 4
        if (whoseTurn == 4) { //<----        Errors here

I tried to add that curly bracket there, no luck.

It gave me an <identifier> error on the

whoseTurn = whoseTurn + 1;

below it

if (returnValue.contains("won")) { // added bracket
                    return false;
                whoseTurn = whoseTurn + 1;
                return true;

             * Player 4
            if (whoseTurn == 4) { //<----Errors here
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