pinsickle 17 Junior Poster in Training

Ok guys, i'll say this first. I got it 99% working (100 % working if I test it with the much shorter name list that we are suppose to use for the homework.) For some reason the code skips the very last name. Honestly, I think I am over thinking the problem and making my code overly complex. Any help would be appreciated. Posted below is my code and the File I am reading from.

void BinarySearchTree::writeIteratively (ostream& outfile) const {
   TemplateStack <Node*> writeStack;
   Node* current = root; 
      while (current -> getLeft () != 0){ // loop to find first (farthest left) name
         current = current -> getLeft ();
      outfile << *current << endl; // displaying farthest left name
      do {
         while (current -> getRight () != 0){ // since 'smallest' name has been found starting to traverse right
            current = current -> getRight ();
            while (current -> getLeft () != 0){ // smaller name is tree found so traverse left
               writeStack.push (current);
               current = current -> getLeft();
            outfile << *current << endl;
         writeStack.pop (current);
         outfile << *current << endl;
         if (*current == *root){ // back at the top of the tree
            while (current -> getRight () != 0){ // repeat process from above to traverse right side of tree
            current = current -> getRight ();
            while (current -> getLeft () != 0){
               writeStack.push (current);
               current = current -> getLeft();
            outfile << *current << endl;
            writeStack.pop (current);
            outfile << *current << endl;
      }while (!writeStack.isEmpty ()); 

Here is the file i am reading from

Smith 555-1234
Jones 555-4321
Tully 555-2314
Baker 555-4123
Green 555-3412
Camp 555-1234
Kent 555-4321
Young 555-2314
Roberts 555-4123
Williams 555-3412
Dell 555-1234
Oliver 555-4321
Vans 555-4123
Evans 555-3412
Johnson 555-1234
Madison 555-4321
Parker 555-2314
Henderson 555-4123
Lamb 555-3412
Frank 555-1234
Noob 555-4321
Zoolander 555-2314
Adams 555-4123
Ingram 555-3412

This is the file I read from to create the tree. As stated earlier my code prints out this list of names in order, but completely omits the 'greatest' name Zoolander.
Thanks for any help.

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