Hello! I've been messing with tkinter and now have tried to make a MPG calculator using sliders.
My problem is that no matter how I move the sliders it does not update the mpg, I'm not sure what to tell the label to do for it to update.
I know the calculations themselves work because I made it print to the console as a test and it updated there.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('MPG calculator')
scale = tk.Scale(root, label="Select a distance traveled.",
from_=1, to=1500, tickinterval=0, resolution=1, length=600,
showvalue='yes', orient='horizontal')
scale2 = tk.Scale(root, label="Select how large your fuel tank is.",
from_=1, to=80, tickinterval=0, resolution=1, length=600,
showvalue='yes', orient='horizontal')
dist = scale.get()
tank = scale2.get()
f = dist / tank
result = 'You get %s miles per gallon.' % (f)
label = tk.Label(root, text= result, bg='green')
scale.grid(row=2, columnspan=2)
scale2.grid(row=1, columnspan=2)
label.grid(row=4, columnspan=4, pady=5)
The attached file shows my problem. It shows 12 mpg no matter what.