I am making a C# .net window application and i am using VS2008......
Can anyone tell me how can i do good designing or there is any software with the help of that i can improve the designing of window applications........
kindly help me or suggest me some link or any software regarding this............:)

hi can anyone suggest me something regarding this..........

Do you mean graphical design or software design?

Do you mean graphical design or software design?

Software design

Do you mean graphical design or software design?

Can you suggest me something regarding this ddanbe..........

Well, sorry to disappoint you avirag.:(
But DESIGN often happens in ones mind.
You will not find programs to design the cello sonatas of Bach, to design the Guernica of Piccasso or to design a building like the Guggenheim museum.
You can go to a computer school to learn how an if statement works, but whether or not to use an if statement, is all left to you, the designer! Succes!

Well, sorry to disappoint you avirag.:(
But DESIGN often happens in ones mind.
You will not find programs to design the cello sonatas of Bach, to design the Guernica of Piccasso or to design a building like the Guggenheim museum.
You can go to a computer school to learn how an if statement works, but whether or not to use an if statement, is all left to you, the designer! Succes!

Thanks for your reply man...............

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