import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Tower extends Applet {
    TowerPanel panel;
    TowerControl control;

    public void init() {
	setLayout(new BorderLayout());

	panel = new TowerPanel();
	add("Center", panel);
	add("South", control = new TowerControl(panel));

    public void start() {

    public void stop() {
    public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) {
        if (arg instanceof Boolean) {
            if (((Checkbox)"Reset")) {
                panel.reset = ((Boolean)arg).booleanValue();
            } else {
                panel.reset = ((Boolean)arg).booleanValue();
            return true;
        return false;
class Towering {
	int num_rings[] = new int[3];
	int top_size[] = new int[3];

	public Towering(int a){
		num_rings[0] = a;
		num_rings[1] = 0;
		num_rings[2] = 0;
		top_size[0] = 40;
		top_size[1] = 1000;
		top_size[2] = 1000;

	public void reset(int b){
		num_rings[0] = b;
		num_rings[1] = 0;
		num_rings[2] = 0;
		top_size[0] = 40;
		top_size[1] = 1000;
		top_size[2] = 1000;


class ring {
	int ring_size[] = new int[10];
	int old_x[] = new int[10];
	int which_x[] = new int[10];
	int which_y[] = new int[10];
	int order[] = new int[10];
	int which_tower[] = new int[10];

	public ring(int a){
	 for(int i = 0; i<a; i++){
		ring_size[i] = 40+20*i;
		which_x[i] = 100;
		old_x[i] = which_x[i];
		which_y[i] = 400-30*(a-i);
		order[i] = a-i;
		which_tower[i] = 0;

	public void reset(int b){
	 for(int i = 0; i<b; i++){
		ring_size[i] = 40+20*i;
		which_x[i] = 100;
		old_x[i] = which_x[i];
		which_y[i] = 400-30*(b-i);
		order[i] = b-i;
		which_tower[i] = 0;

class TowerPanel extends Panel implements Runnable{
	Thread going = null;
	int width = 500;
	int height = 400;
	int tower_height = 350;
	int tower_width = 20;
	int num_rings = 8;
	int pick_ring = 1000;
	int tempx;
	int tempy;
	boolean win = false;
	boolean reset;

	//special effect words
	String s = new String("Tower of Hanoi");
	char separated[];
	int x_coord = 0, y_coord = 0;

	Towering towers = new Towering(num_rings);
	ring rings = new ring(num_rings);

		setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,40));
		setBackground(new Color(170,170,170));
		separated = new char [s.length()];

	public void paint(Graphics g) {
		//special words
		for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
		x_coord = (int) (Math.random()*10+15*i+100);
		y_coord = (int) (Math.random()*10+36);
		g.setColor(new Color(200-10*i, 10*i, 10*i));
		g.drawChars(separated, i,1,x_coord,y_coord);

		//drawing those three towers
		g.fill3DRect(90,height-tower_height, tower_width, tower_height, true);
		g.fill3DRect(240,height-tower_height, tower_width, tower_height, true);
		g.fill3DRect(390,height-tower_height, tower_width, tower_height, true);

		//drawing all the rings
		for(int j=0;j<num_rings;++j){
			g.setColor(new Color(20*j+55,200-20*j,20*j+55));
			g.fill3DRect(rings.which_x[j]-rings.ring_size[j]/2, rings.which_y[j], rings.ring_size[j], 30, true);



	public synchronized boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) {
		for(int k=0; k<num_rings; ++k){
		if(rings.order[k] == towers.num_rings[rings.which_tower[k]]) {
			pick_ring = k;
		return true;

	public synchronized boolean mouseDrag(Event evt, int x, int y) {
			rings.which_x[pick_ring] = x;
			rings.which_y[pick_ring] = y;
		return true;

	public synchronized boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y) {
			  rings.which_tower[pick_ring] = 0;
			  rings.which_x[pick_ring] = 100;
			  rings.order[pick_ring] = towers.num_rings[0];
			  rings.which_y[pick_ring] = 400-30*towers.num_rings[0];
			else if((280>=rings.which_x[pick_ring])&&(240<=(rings.which_x[pick_ring]+rings.ring_size[pick_ring]))&&(rings.ring_size[pick_ring]<towers.top_size[1])){
			  rings.which_tower[pick_ring] = 1;
			  rings.which_x[pick_ring] = 250;
			  rings.order[pick_ring] = towers.num_rings[1];
			  rings.which_y[pick_ring] = 400-30*towers.num_rings[1];

			else if((430>=rings.which_x[pick_ring])&&(390<=(rings.which_x[pick_ring]+rings.ring_size[pick_ring]))&&(rings.ring_size[pick_ring]<towers.top_size[2])){
			  rings.which_tower[pick_ring] = 2;
			  rings.which_x[pick_ring] = 400;
			  rings.order[pick_ring] = towers.num_rings[2];
			  rings.which_y[pick_ring] = 400-30*towers.num_rings[2];
			  rings.which_x[pick_ring] = rings.old_x[pick_ring];
			  rings.which_y[pick_ring] = 400-30*towers.num_rings[rings.which_tower[pick_ring]];
		rings.old_x[pick_ring] = rings.which_x[pick_ring];
		pick_ring = 1000;

		//recompute the to_size for all towers
		for(int z=0;z<num_rings;++z){
			if(rings.order[z] == towers.num_rings[rings.which_tower[z]]){
				towers.top_size[rings.which_tower[z]] = rings.ring_size[z];

		//see if the user wins
		for(int t=0;t<3;++t){
			if((t!=0)&&(towers.num_rings[t] == num_rings)){
				win = true;
			if(towers.num_rings[t] == 0){
				towers.top_size[t] = 1000;
		return true;

	public void start(){
		if(going == null){
			going = new Thread(this);

	public void stop() {
		going = null;

	private Image offScreenImage;
	private Dimension offScreenSize;
	private Graphics offScreenGraphics;

	public final synchronized void update (Graphics g){
		Dimension d = size();
		if((offScreenImage == null) || (d.width !=offScreenSize.width) || (d.height != offScreenSize.height)) {
			offScreenImage = createImage(d.width, d.height);
			offScreenSize = d;
			offScreenGraphics = offScreenImage.getGraphics();
		g.drawImage(offScreenImage, 0, 0, null);

	public void run() {
		while (going!=null) {
		try {Thread.sleep(100);} catch (InterruptedException e){}
	 	going = null;

    public void reset(boolean filled, int num_blocks) {
	win = false;
	num_rings = num_blocks;

class TowerControl extends Panel {
    TextField s;
    TextField e;
    TowerPanel pa;

    public TowerControl(TowerPanel pa) { = pa;
	add(s = new TextField("8", 4));
	add(new Button("Reset Blocks Number"));

    public boolean action(Event ev, Object arg) {
	if ( instanceof Button) {
	    String label = (String)arg;

	    pa.reset(label.equals("Reset Blocks Number"),

	    return true;

	return false;

The program is not working properly.
Objects in the Applet are overlapping.
How can I fix this?

Thanks for the help! :)

Need Help. pleasee..

use a stack instead of an array


. it will make your life a whole lot easier

use a stack instead of an array


. it will make your life a whole lot easier

It there any possible way of retaining my codes?

when u say overlapping what exactly do u mean.

when u say overlapping what exactly do u mean.

I Attached the Error


you are not defining your coordinates properly. don't worry about using stacks your code is ok as it is. just sort out ur coordinates and u will be fine

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