
Ive tried googling for some time now, but havent come across anything that might lead to a solution to my "problem". I guess I aint using the right search phrase.

What I am looking for, is a way to show items on top of a fullscreen playing video. That means, I want listboxes, textfields and alike to show up on top of the video, and these items/elements can be dragged around by the user. The elements should be usable ofc.

Any ideas on what to look for? Or even better, an example?

Thanks alot :)

Do you have a video controller embedded on a form, and you want the controls on top of the Z-Order? Or is this supposed to be on top of windows media player?

Do you have a video controller embedded on a form, and you want the controls on top of the Z-Order? Or is this supposed to be on top of windows media player?

Yes, I have a form with a embedded video player (AxWindowsMediaPlayer). When the player is playing a file/stream, certain objects should be able to become visible on top of the player (yea I think thats called Z-order?).

Haizt...txt me SNIP

I was able to place controls directly on top of the media player with the designer. Can you upload a project and explain where you are having difficulties?

Well it is not the media player controls I want to be visible. I want to enable other features of my application on top of the playing video. Like a dropdown list, a textfield and so on..

Which gets me back to not understanding what you are asking. Can you upload a sample project? Click on "Go Advanced" then "Manage Attachments" and you can upload a ZIP'd project archive.

I have attached a very simple project.
It contains the media player, and a listbox. Now when i fullscreen the player, I want the listbox to to be accessible on top of the video.

Thanks alot Sknake! :)

I spent a few minutes on it and i'm not sure how you can go about this. Any time I try to overlay a control or bring it on top of the WMP Full screen window it takes it out of full screen mode. I looked around on Google but didn't see any glaring solutions either.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help :(

Allright. I will keep searching for a solution then. If i find one, i will post it here.
Thanks anyway Sknake:)

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