Hello everybody. I'm trying to get the current directory, save it, changing the current dir, then coming back to the previous one.
My code so far
TITLE ep1_7
.STACK 10h
msg DB 'Current directory:',0h
msg_l equ $-msg
buff db 64 dup('$')
;f_handle dw 1 dup(?)
begin: mov ax,@DATA
mov ds,ax
;Getting current directory
mov ah,47h
mov dl,0
mov ds,buff
;showing the returned pathname
mov dx,OFFSET buff
mov ah,09h
int 21h
;bail out
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
END begin
My problem is that i have an error at line 15. I don't know how to put the buffer's adress into ds. Can some one help me?
Btw , please tell me what is the function that waits for a key to be pressed and/or the one that waits a certain given time to pass.