I have a program that reads from a file, and inserts the read items into a template array. Once that file is read into the array the second file is read, if there is a invald name ie name not int the array it is not updated. The second file is just a list of scores in a game and the winner's record is incremented if won or loss incremented if loss
This is what the first file looks like
Hawks 6 3 83
Doves 7 2 27
Goofs 1 8 13
Donkeys 5 0 37
Here is the second file
Hawks 21 Goofs 0
Doves 35 Hawks 27
Goofs 14 Chickens 14
If you see the seconod file is just scores between two oppenents a line is invalid if the team is a tie or invalid team that is not in the array, if everything is valid I need to update the total points win and loss record for corresponding team
I already have the error checking
I just need to make a function in my class that is being passed to the template array so the the win and loss and scores a incremented correspondingly for a said team in the template array
here is a list of functions in the template class that I have that I am trying to make use of
#ifndef H_arrayListTypeT
#define H_arrayListTypeT
// Templated version of the arrayListType
template<class elemType>
class arrayListTypeT
bool isEmpty() const;
bool isFull() const;
int listSize() const;
int maxListSize() const;
void print() const;
bool isItemAtEqual(int location, elemType item) const;
void removeAt(int location);
void retrieveAt(int location, elemType& retItem);
void replaceAt(int location, elemType repItem);
void clearList();
int seqSearch(elemType item) const;
void insert(elemType insertItem);
void remove(elemType removeItem);
// Postcondition:
// Standard error checking is performed. If there are no errors,
// the item is removed from the list, all subseguent items are moved
// forward to fill the gap, and the length is decremented by one.
arrayListTypeT(int size = 100);
arrayListTypeT (const arrayListTypeT& otherList);
elemType *list; //array to hold the list elements
int length; //variable to store the length of the list
int maxSize; //variable to store the maximum
//size of the list