Hey DW. Working on a nice poker application and need some help. Right now I'm trying to go through two arraylists, one of chars and one of sorted ints (representing the suites, and numbers of the cards) and delete duplicating numbs (and the char/suite counterpart in the other array).
In this function, I have already made code that detects if a flush exists (and if it does, the char/suite is stored in soot). Here is the rest of the code:
for (int i =0; i < nubArr.size(); i++)
if (!nubArr.get(i+1).equals(null))
if (nubArr.get(i).equals(nubArr.get(i+1)))
if (flush) //if theres a flush
if (cArr.get(i) != soot) //card doesnt match suite
cArr.remove(i); //found a dupe that doesnt match the flush suite
nubArr.remove(i); //so remove them both
else if (cArr.get(i+1) != soot)
else //there isnt a flush. so just erase the first card.
And here's my problem...
Notice the runtime error on line 4 where an element that doesnt exist in the AL is accessed to check to see if its null. This is where my problem is. I'm trying to check if I've reached the end of the array list. But I can't seem to find a good way of doing. I'm also trying to avoid iterators. Any help is appreciated.