Hello everybody,
I have an issue with a code. I'm don't know how to start this.
Here is my problem:
Column 2 of my MSFlexgrid = store number. Ex: 1009,1010 etc.
In column 20 of my MSFlexgrid = Delivery day. Ex: Sun, Mon, Tue......,
Now if store 8009 have multiple delivery days ex:
Column 2 Culumn 20
1009 Mon
1009 Fri
The logic will have to be that way:
If the the holiday entered in the Form4.day_ferier (Combo Box) is "Mon"
Then it will calculate how many day it will have until the next delivery.
In that case,Monday to Friday = 4 days.
Then it will calculate how many days there was from the previous delivery. Friday to Monday = 3 days.
So since Monday to Friday is bigger that Friday to monday, then the results will be Monday +1. So Tuesday.
If the result would of been less, then it would of been Monday - 1. So Sunday.
If it would of been equal, by default, it would be Monday - 1.
Would it be easier if I change Sun by "1", Mon by "2", Tue by "3" and so on...
Thank you so much for your help.