Hello, I am beginner with c++ programming and I need help with this source. I tried to find a way for getPrintDetails to not print a infomation.
//Course: 4002-208
//Author: Joseph Dalpra
//Topic: Functions
//Name: project4.cpp
//Purpose: Using functions to shorten repeated code
// Play the game of craps for a number of games input by user
// Print the results of the game if the user chooses to
// Allow a random seed or the user to input a seed
// Include Section
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
// Function Prototype Section
int roll();
int roll2Dice();
int getNumGames();
int setRand();
bool playCraps(int, bool);
int getPrintDetails();
// ------ M A I N P R O G R A M ------
int main ()
int numGames = 0; //number of games to play
int point = 0; //value for the roll of the first 2 dice
int seed = 0; //value for the seed
int sum = roll2Dice();
int numWins = 0; //number of wins
int numLosses = 0; //number of losses
double winPercent = 0.0; //value for the percent of wins
int numLongWins = 0; //value for the longest win streak
int numLongLosses = 0; //value for the longest streak of losses
int nextRoll = roll2Dice(); //sequential roll if no win on first roll
bool print;
//call function setRand to get the seed for the random number generator
seed = setRand();
//call function getNumGames to get the number of games to be played
numGames =getNumGames();
//call getPrintDetails function
//call craps function
//play craps for while k <= number of games
for (int k=1; k<=numGames; k++)
//calculate the longest streaks of wins
if (point ==7 || point ==11)
int numlose;
numlose = numGames - numWins;
//calculate the win percentage
winPercent= ((double)numWins/(double)numGames)*100;
//print the percentage of games won
//print longest win streak
//print longest loss streak
cout<<"The number of games won out of "<< numGames << " is " << numWins <<endl;
cout << "the percent of games won " << fixed << setprecision(4)<< winPercent <<endl;
cout<<"The number of games lose out of "<< numGames << " is " << numlose <<endl;
//cout<<"Longest run of wins is " << numLongWins <<endl;
cout<<"Longest run of losses is " << numLongLosses <<endl;
//freeze the window
//halt program
system ("Pause");
return 0;
//Purpose: generate a random number 1-6 to simulate a die roll
//Parameters: none
//Return: generate a random number 1 - 6 inclusively
int roll(void)
return ( 1 + rand()%6);
//Purpose: roll 2 dice and add them together to give the player their point
// return value of 2 die rolls
//Parameters: none
//Return: sum
int roll2Dice(void)
int sum = roll() + roll();
return sum;
//Purpose: prompt the user to input the number of games
// validate the input to make sure it is >0
//Parameters: none
//Return: numGames
int getNumGames()
int numGames = 0; //number of games to be played
cout<<"Enter number of games to be played: ";
while (numGames <=0)
cout<<"Invalid number of games - must be > 1"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter number of games to be played: ";
return numGames;
//Purpose: prompt user for input of a seed
// 1-50 start the seed at input value
// 0 is a random seed
//Parameters: none
//Return: none
int setRand()
int seed; //value for seed for random generator
cout<<"Enter the seed 1..50 or 0 for random seed: ";
if (seed == 0)
while (seed <0 || seed > 50)
cout<<"Invalid seed - must be 0..50"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter seed: ";
//Parameters: none
//Return: none
int getPrintDetails()
int gameNum;
int point;
bool print = ' ';
cout<<"Do you wish to print details <Y/N>?: ";
if (print == 'Y')
return true;
return false;
//Purpose: play a game of craps
//Parameters: none
//Return: none
bool playCraps(int gameNum, bool print)
int point = roll2Dice();
int nextRoll;
int numLosses = 0;
int numWins = 0;
cout << "Game " << gameNum << ": " << point;
if (point ==2 || point==3 ||point==12)
cout<<" loss "<<endl;
return false;
else if (point ==7 || point ==11)
cout<<" win "<<endl;
return true;
cout<<" " << nextRoll;
}while(nextRoll !=7 && nextRoll !=point);
if(nextRoll == 7)
cout<<" loss "<<endl;
return false;
cout<<" win "<<endl;
return true;
return print;