I am currently building a Polynomial linked list.


Node, that has a Term and a Node next.

Term with a coefficient and exponent.



public void addTerm(Term nomial)
		Node temp = first;
		Node  toAdd;
		if(isEmpty() || (temp.getTerm().compareTo(nomial) <= 0))
			Node newFirst = new Node(nomial, first);
			first = newFirst;
			while((temp.getTerm().compareTo(nomial) >= 0) && temp.getNext() != null)
				temp = temp.getNext();
			if(temp.getNext() == null)
				toAdd = new Node(nomial, null);
				toAdd = new Node(nomial, temp.getNext());

My Driver:

package dsa.exam;

public class PolynomialDriver 
	public static void main (String args[])
		Polynomial nomial = new Polynomial();
		nomial.addTerm(new Term(3));
		nomial.addTerm(new Term(2,7));
		nomial.addTerm(new Term(3,6));
		nomial.addTerm(new Term(3, 1));
		nomial.addTerm(new Term(3, 8));
		//nomial.addTerm(new Term(3,2));
		//nomial.addTerm(new Term(3,5));
		//double answer = one.evaluate(2) + two.evaluate(2) + three.evaluate(2) + four.evaluate(2) + five.evaluate(2);
		String s = nomial.printPolynomial();


It's seems its messing up when I try to switch 3 + 3x(or 3x^1), it wont sort after.

I went through step by step with the Eclipse Debugger and couldnt find it.

Could anyone help me out, and tell me why it isnt sorting correctly and to share opinions on my Add method as do you think it is efficient?

Help is greatly appreciated! =)

Found another problem, seems this doesnt encounter for when I have the same terms.

I will need to probably set it up like

if(exponents match)
     nomial = term.addition(term) //Addition in term class

Node toAdd(nomial.....etc)

BUt I still cant figure out why it messes up the descending linked list when I add terms with exponent on 0.

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