im relatively new to trying to program in oop. i have been slowly working through this entire program learning as i go. i have gotten this class to compile.

 * Write a description of class CO2Footprint here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class CO2Footprint
        public int numPeople;
        public double electricityEmissions;
        public double gas;
        public double gasFootPrint;
        public double aveElecBill;
        public double aveElecPrice;
        public boolean paper;
        public boolean plastic;
        public boolean glass;
        public boolean cans;
        public int numLights;
        public int lightsTotal;
        public double paperReductions;
        public double plasticReductions;
        public double glassReductions;
        public double canReductions;
        public double emissionReductions;
        public double emissionReductionTotal;
        public double grossWasteEmission;

  public CO2Footprint( int numberOfPeople, double gasFootPrint, double averageElectricBill, 
  double averageElectricPrice, boolean paperRecyled, boolean plasticRecyled, boolean glassRecyled,
  boolean cansRecyled, int numLightsRecyled, double totalReductionsPaper, double totalReductionsPlastic,
  double totalReductionsGlass, double totalReductionsCans, double electricityEmissions) 
        numberOfPeople = numPeople;
        gasFootPrint = gas;
        averageElectricBill = aveElecBill;
        averageElectricPrice = aveElecPrice;
        paperRecyled = paper;
        plasticRecyled = plastic;
        glassRecyled = glass;
        cansRecyled = cans;
        numLightsRecyled = numLights;
        totalReductionsPaper = paperReductions;
        totalReductionsPlastic = plasticReductions;
        totalReductionsGlass = glassReductions;
        totalReductionsCans = canReductions;

public double calculateGasEmissions(){
        for(int counter = 0; counter <= 5; counter++){
           gasFootPrint = 19.3565 * gas;

                      return gasFootPrint;
      public double calculateElectricityEmissions(){
        for(int counter = 0; counter <= 5; counter++){
             electricityEmissions = (aveElecBill/aveElecPrice) * 1.37 * 12;
                return electricityEmissions;

    public double calcWasteReduction(){
        for(int counter = 0; counter <=5; counter++){
            emissionReductions = lightsTotal * 1.37 * 73;
        return  emissionReductions;
       public double calcGrossWasteEmission() {
            for(int counter = 0; counter <=5; counter++){
                grossWasteEmission = numPeople * 1018;
        return grossWasteEmission;

    public double calcCanReductions() {
        double can = 165.8;
        for (int counter = 0; counter<=5; counter++){
                if (cans){
                canReductions  = (can * numPeople);
                return canReductions;
            public double calcGlassReductions() {
               double glassReduce = 46.6;
            for (int counter = 0; counter<=5; counter++){
           glassReductions = (glassReduce * numPeople);
            return glassReductions;
             public double calcPlasticReductions() {   
             double plasticReduce = 25.6;
             for (int counter = 0; counter<=5; counter++){
              plasticReductions = (plasticReduce * numPeople);
            return plasticReductions;
           public double calcPaperReductions() {   
               double paperReduce = 184.0;
            for (int counter = 0; counter<=5; counter++){
             paperReductions = (paperReduce * numPeople);
        return paperReductions;
         public double calcEmissionReductionTotals() {   
             for (int counter =0; counter<=5; counter++){
                 emissionReductionTotal = paperReductions + plasticReductions + glassReductions + canReductions;
                return emissionReductionTotal;


im working on this trying to get it to work but i am getting a .class expected on my constructor thing. if anyone can help it is appreciated.

 * Write a description of class CO2FootPrintTester here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)

public class CO2FootPrintTester
        public static void main(String[] args){
        CO2Footprint( int numberOfPeople, double gasFootPrint, double averageElectricBill, 
        double averageElectricPrice, boolean paperRecyled, boolean plasticRecyled, boolean glassRecyled,
        boolean cansRecyled, int numLightsRecyled, double totalReductionsPaper, double totalReductionsPlastic,
        double totalReductionsGlass, double totalReductionsCans, double electricityEmissions)
        CO2Footprint fp0 = new CO2Footprint();
         fp0.numPeople = 3;
         fp0.gas = 2604;
         fp0.aveElecBill = 227.29;
         fp0.aveElecPrice = .084;
         fp0.paper = true;
         fp0.plastic = true; = true;
         fp0.cans true;
         fp0.numLights 9;
       CO2Footprint fp1 = new CO2Footprint();
        fp1.numPeople = 6;
        fp1.gas = 3029;
        fp1.aveElecBill = 213.28;
        fp1.aveElecPrice = .081;
        fp1.paper = false;
        fp1.plastic = true; = false
        fp1.cans = true;
        fp1.numLights = 3;
       CO2Footprint fp2 = new CO2Footprint();
        fp2.numPeople = 2;
        fp2.gas = 3590;
        fp2.aveElecBill = 234.78;
        fp2.aveElecPrice = .085;
        fp2.paper = true;
        fp2.plastic = false; = true;
        fp2.cans = false;
        fp2.numLights = 5;
       CO2Footprint fp3 = new CO2Footprint();
        fp3.numPeople = 10;
        fp3.gas = 3590;
        fp3.aveElecBill = 256.04;
        fp3.aveElecPrice = .084;
        fp3.paper = false;
        fp3.plastic = false; = false;
        fp3.cans = false;
        fp3.numLights = 1;
       CO2Footprint fp4 = new CO2Footprint();
        fp4.numPeople = 1;
        fp4.gas = 1362;
        fp4.aveElecBill = 221.96;
        fp4.aveElecPrice = .086;
        fp4.paper = true;
        fp4.plastic = true; = true;
        fp4.cans = true;
        fp4.numLights = 8;


        //print results
        System.out.println("|               Pounds of CO2             |      Pounds of CO2         |                       |");
        System.out.println("|               Emmited from              |      Reduced from          |                       |");
        System.out.println("|   Gas   |      Electricity  |   Waste   |   Recycling  |  New Bulbs  |    CO2 Footprint      |");

Hi gibson.nathan,

In your CO2FootPrintTester

public class CO2FootPrintTester
        public static void main(String[] args){
// remove this, it shouldn't be here
CO2Footprint( int numberOfPeople, double gasFootPrint, double averageElectricBill, 
        double averageElectricPrice, boolean paperRecyled, boolean plasticRecyled, boolean glassRecyled,
        boolean cansRecyled, int numLightsRecyled, double totalReductionsPaper, double totalReductionsPlastic,
        double totalReductionsGlass, double totalReductionsCans, double electricityEmissions)

and then

// you don't have a constructor without parameters for the CO2Footprint class
CO2Footprint fp0 = new CO2Footprint(); 
         fp0.numPeople = 3;
         fp0.gas = 2604;
         fp0.aveElecBill = 227.29;
         fp0.aveElecPrice = 0.084;
         fp0.paper = true;
         fp0.plastic = true; = true;
         fp0.cans =  true;
         fp0.numLights = 9;
// replace the above with 
         CO2Footprint fp0 = new CO2Footprint(3, 2604, 227.29, 0.084,  true, true, true, true, 9);
// this is how you call the constructor defined for your CO2Footprint class
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