java program help.. anyone pls? i have no idea on this.. im a n00b in java

Create a program that will input number in decimal number system &
convert it to the number system which the user entered

Sample Output:

Input number in decimal number system (base 10): 25
Convert it to what number system (2-16)? 2

25 in base 2 = 11001

Here is a way to do it.

Suppose we have an array: int[] newBase = new int[100];
it will hold the bits for the decimal system the user inputs.

Given 25 as decimal and 2 as base, do:
1. Compute ln(25)/ln(2) approx 4.64. Round it down to 4.

2. start a loop

int amountLeft=25;
for(int i = 4; i >=0; i--)
//see if that bit is being used and how much
int powerToTest = compute 2^i

//how many times does that power fit into what is left
int howManyTimesItFits = amountLeft/powerToTest;

//store in newBase
newBase = howManyTimesItFits;

//subtract away amount allocated to that bit
amountLeft-= powerToTest*howManyTimesItFits;

//by this point amountLeft should be zero and the bits should be in the newBase

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Try out this code, maybe you can use some parts of it

class Convert {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    String Num, ContCase = "y";
    int Base1, Base2;
       System.out.println("Enter your numbers base: ");
       Base1 = keyboard.readInt();
       if(Base1 > 10)
          System.out.println("| A = 10 |");
          System.out.println("| B = 11 |");
          System.out.println("| C = 12 |");
          System.out.println("| D = 13 |");
          System.out.println("| E = 14 |");
       System.out.println("Enter Number: ");
       Num = keyboard.nextString();
       System.out.println("Which base do you want to convert to: ");
       Base2 = keyboard.nextInt();
       Conversion( Base1, Num, Base2);
       System.out.println("Will you do Another Conversion:(y/n)");
       ContCase = keyboard.nextString();

    public static void Conversion(int Base1, String Num, int Base2){
    int k = 0, n = 0,total = 0, value = 0, totalnew = 0, z = 0;
    char c;
    String s, Num2 = "";
    for(n = 0; n <= Num.length()-1; n++)
        c = Num.charAt(Num.length() - 1 - n);
          if( c == 'A' || c == 'a')
           if( c == 'B' || c == 'b')
           if( c == 'C' || c == 'c')
           if( c == 'D' || c == 'd')
           if( c == 'E' || c == 'e') 
          Character temp = new Character(c);           
           s = temp.toString();
           value = Integer.parseInt(s);
       total += value * Math.pow(Base1,n);
     while(total > 0)
        totalnew = total%Base2;
         if(totalnew > 9)
            if(totalnew == 10)
               Num2 += "A";
            if(totalnew == 11)
               Num2 += "B";
            if(totalnew == 12)
               Num2 += "C";
            if(totalnew == 13)
               Num2 += "D";
            if(totalnew == 14)
               Num2 += "E";           
           Num2 = Num2 + totalnew;
        total = total/Base2;
     for(z = 0; z <= Num2.length()-1; z++)


Nice work guys, you did his homework for him.

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