Hi all,
I'm supposed to write a small program that asks the user for a number of a month( 1= Jan, 2=Feb, etc) and then outputs the month name and the month number. If the number entered is invalid (for example, > 12 or equal 0), then the user receives an error message. Perhaps there is a better way to write this, but based on my limited knowledge, this is what I have put together. However, when I run the program it prints ALL the months of the year, and then the single number input, like this:

Give me a number
February 10

Can anyone tell me what I've done incorrectly?
Here is the code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Exercise3 {
	public static void main (String [] args) {
	Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

	System.out.println("Give me a number");
	int x = scanner.nextInt();
			while(x == 1);
			System.out.println("January" + x);
			 while(x == 2);
			System.out.println("February " + x);
			 while(x == 3);
			System.out.println("March" + x);
			 while(x == 4);
			System.out.println("April" + x);
			 while(x == 5);
			System.out.println("May" + x);
			 while(x == 6);
			System.out.println("June" + x);
			 while(x == 7);
			System.out.println("July" + x);
			while(x == 8);
			System.out.println("August" + x);
			 while(x == 9);
			System.out.println("September" + x);
			 while(x == 10);
			System.out.println("October" + x);
			 while(x == 11);
			System.out.println("November" + x);
			 while(x == 12);
			System.out.println("December" + x);
			while ((x > 12) || (x == 0));
			System.out.println("Error. Number must be 12 or less");

instead of while, use "if"

if(x == 12)
   System.out.println("December " + x);//put a space after the month also.

I tried using 'if' originally, but it gave the same output as above.
Thanks for the note about leaving a space after the month name -- I didnt catch that.

However, the original problem still stands..
Any help is appreciated!

Without giving too much away...

else if (x==2)

I would also test for invalid numbers first before testing for the correct months.

...notice there are no semi-colons after my if statements

   System.out.println("January " + x );
else ...

Ah, i just discovered the switch statement! ;)
thanks for the help, I think I've got it now!

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