Hey guys, I am on the Windows OS using NASM16, and I'd like to know how to set the system time..
Code so far:
[org 0100h] ;COM format
%include "Lib_1\Lib1.asm"
;settime Hour minute second date month year
;settime "6" "35" "00" "06" "01" "09"
;string - Displays a string
;arg - pull arguments off the stack
;exit - exits with set ERRORLEVEL code
[section .text]
mov byte [bx], '0' ;Use BX as our byte counter
;Add string terminators to buffers
mov byte [hourbuffer + 2], '$'
push bx ;Save the BYTE counter
arg ;Pull all the arguments off the stack
mov si,bx ;Put the arguments into SI
lodsb ;Advance one character in SI
pop bx ;Restore the BYTE counter
cmp al,'"' ;Check if the first character is a "
je near GETHOUR ;If it was a " (quote), branch and get the hour
jmp near ERROR ;If it was not a quote, flag an error
;GETHOUR - gets the passed hour argument
cmp bx,3 ;Check if the hour buffer is full
je ERROR ;Flag an error
push bx ;Save the BYTE counter
lodsb ;Advance once more in SI
pop bx ;Restore the BYTE counter
cmp al, '"' ;Check for a " (quote)
je GETHOUR2 ;Branch to last part of this command if true
mov byte [hourbuffer + bx],al ;Move the value in AL into the buffer
inc bx ;Increase the BYTE counter once
jmp near GETHOUR
string hours ;Display "Hours:"
string hourbuffer ;Display the hour buffer
exit 0
;ERROR - Error catcher
string syntaxerror ;Display correct command syntax
exit 1 ;Exit with ERRORLEVEL of 1
[section .data]
;hourbuffer - holds the HOUR value
hourbuffer times 3 db 0
hours db "Hours:", "$"
;syntaxerror - displays correct command syntax
syntaxerror db 13, 10, "Invalid syntax, use: ", '[settime "Hour minute second date month year"]', 13, 10, "$"