I am having a problem wih the compiling of my code.
The whole program consists of a driver program and a header file.
the problem is showing up around where it is compiling the header file. since the header file only has template functions in it and no input file i keep getting an error.
# Compiler variables
CCFLAGS = -ansi -Wall
# Rule to link object code files to create executable file
driver: driver.o heapsort.o
g++ $(CCFLAGS) -o assign6 assign6.o heapsort.o
# Rules to compile source code files to object code
driver.o: driver.cpp heapsort.h
g++ $(CCFLAGS) -c driver.cpp
heapsort.o: heapsort.h
g++ $(CCFLAGS) -c
the error
$ make
g++ -ansi -Wall -c
g++: no input files
make: *** [heapsort.o] Error 1
I am reletively new to makefiles and don't know if there is a special syntax to use when there are no input files.
thank you for your help in advance