I have know programming for 5 years. but not get any process yet.
I want to ask what you do when you get a project and meet some problem?

normally we must get the idea, pseudocode, get the flow of program.
now i get the flow of program, idea. but don't know what to do next.

I have know programming for 5 years. but not get any process yet.
I want to ask what you do when you get a project and meet some problem?

normally we must get the idea, pseudocode, get the flow of program.
now i get the flow of program, idea. but don't know what to do next.

Basically for starting any project proper planning is required.
Divide your project into different modules and later when all the modules are complete just join them together.
For making any particular module,you have to plan what all things you want to include in that , its functioning etc.............
And while doing your project if you face any problem , then try to figure it out where you have made mistake and how it can be corrected.For this you can search google and you can get many answers.
Try to read the articles related to various concept which you are using in the code..........
There are forums where experts help only if you have made an effort ..............

I have know programming for 5 years. but not get any process yet.
I want to ask what you do when you get a project and meet some problem?

normally we must get the idea, pseudocode, get the flow of program.
now i get the flow of program, idea. but don't know what to do next.

When you say you know programming, do you mean you have learnt a language, or do you mean you understand the basic concepts and structures?

You are correct in that, instead of just writing code, you must plan the project correctly. There are many ways to do this, including Unified Modelling Language/Use case diagrams/Entity Relationship Modeling/etc. There are extensive tutorials out there on each subject.

Once you have planned your application, you writer your pseudocode to map the flow of the application. If you have got this far then i'm not sure what more you need? You just follow your pseudocode, converting it into the correct syntax for the language you have chosen to use.

As for solving problems when they arise, Visual Studio contains some very powerful debugging tools that can help determine the source of the error. If you really get stuck and cant fix it, then post it here and we will help you work through it.

Sorry if this isnt the info you needed, your question was a little vague. If you could be more specific on what you need help with we can give you more specific details :)

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