can some one help in this code because their is two error in my code.
need reply ASAP. please.

import java.util.*;
public class Card
 private int point;
 public Card()
  Random r = new Random();
  point = r.nextInt(10);
   point = r.nextInt(10);
  public void setPoint(int p) <--------- illegal start of expression
   point = p;
  public int getPoint()
   return point;
}   <------- class,interface or enum expected

Please wrap your code in code tags, simply highlight your code and click the code button at the top of the reply box. From the unformatted code it appears you are trying to declare a method within your constructor, you might have delimiter, aka bracks... { }, problems as well. Make sure each open { has a close }

"how about the illegal start of expression?"

"how about the illegal start of expression?"

Sorry I wasn't clear. When I said "it appears you are trying to declare a method within your constructor" I was referring to your illegal start error.

what should I do?

You can't declare a method inside another method, or a constructor. So you need to move your entire setPoint() out of the Card constructor.

can u help me with this code.
the error is <cant find sysmbol for br>

public class blackjack
 public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception
  Player p = new Player();
  Dealer d = new Dealer();
  Card firstCard = d.generateCard();
  int firstCardValue = firstCard.getPoint();
  System.out.println("Player" + firstCardValue);
  Card secondCard = d.generateCard();
  int secondCardValue = secondCard.getPoint();
  System.out.println("Player" + secondCardValue);
  Card fCard = d.generateCard();
  int fCardValue = fCard.getPoint();
  System.out.println("Dealer" + firstCardValue);
  Card sCard = d.generateCard();
  int sCardValue = sCard.getPoint();
  System.out.println("Dealer" + secondCardValue);
  System.out.println("[1] Hit");
  System.out.println("[2] Stay");
  int c = 0;
   if (c==1)
    Card x = d.generateCard();
    int hitValue = x.getPoint();
    if (p.getTotal()>21)
     int c2 = Integer.parseInt(br.readline());< cant find sysmbol for br
       System.out.println("You Win");
      else if (p.getTotal()<d.getTotal())
       System.out.println("You Lose");

You never instantiate an object with the name br.

what do you mean by instantiate?
what should i do?

Instantiate, basically, means to create an object. Right now you are trying to call a method, on the object br, yet you haven't created this object yet. Are you taking a class, or learning on your own? This is basic stuff that is generally taught before you start creating your own classes.

yeah i'm learning by my self....self learning i mean
can u send some examples on how to instantiate?

Like I said, instantiating is just creating an object, here is the link from the Java tutorials Sun provides.

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