olganneke 0 Newbie Poster

People, please help me!
I must write 30 programs on python but not well understand this program. I don't know how to write 4 programs which are simple.
1) The polysemy of a word is the number of senses it has. Using WordNet, we can determine that the noun dog has 7 senses with: len(wn.synsets('dog', 'n')). Compute the average polysemy of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs according to WordNet.
2) Use one of the predefined similarity measures to score the similarity of each of the following pairs of words. Rank the pairs in order of decreasing similarity. How close is your ranking to the order given here, an order that was established experimentally by (Miller & Charles, 1998): car-automobile, gem-jewel, journey-voyage, boy-lad, coast-shore, asylum-madhouse, magician-wizard, midday-noon, furnace-stove, food-fruit, bird-cock, bird-crane, tool-implement, brother-monk, lad-brother, crane-implement, journey-car, monk-oracle, cemetery-woodland, food-rooster, coast-hill, forest-graveyard, shore-woodland, monk-slave, coast-forest, lad-wizard, chord-smile, glass-magician, rooster-voyage, noon-string.
3) Modify the text generation program, to do the following tasks:
Store the n most likely words in a list words then randomly choose a word from the list using random.choice(). (You will need to import random first.)
4) To analyze a Pronouncing Dictionary. Find how much different words it contains. What percent of words from this dictionary may have a different pronunciation?

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