phpbeginners 1 Posting Whiz in Training 15 Years Ago Hi all, I want to convert 1 to 000001 in Visual Basic 6 example: 1 = 000001 2 = 000002 thanks visual-basic 0 0 Share phpbeginners 1 Posting Whiz in Training 15 Years Ago hi the answer is: x = Format(10, "000000") MsgBox x 0 0 Share Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reply to this topic Be a part of the DaniWeb community We're a friendly, industry-focused community of developers, IT pros, digital marketers, and technology enthusiasts meeting, networking, learning, and sharing knowledge. Sign Up — It's Free!
phpbeginners 1 Posting Whiz in Training 15 Years Ago hi the answer is: x = Format(10, "000000") MsgBox x 0 0 Share