i Need Help to done this project for my school
USER Requirement statement
Booksareus wishes you to design a program to satisfy the following requirements:
Display a Welcome screen
Display a menu of option, accept and perform user choice of option untill E for exit is chosen B.Book List I.Invoice Calculator, E.Exit
Book List should Display a list of authors e.g.(1-Deltel,2-Booch,3-Rowling,4-Wells,5-Tolkein) and request input of a choice (as numeric value).The program should then display the details (e.g. title, ISBN and price) of at lest two books written by the author.
Invoice Calculator should accept the price of two books and calculate total price including VAT(15.25%)..if the order exceeds 100Euro the following messege should be displayed."A gift voucher to the value of 10Euro will be dispatched this may be used with your nex order."
When exit chosen Display-"Thankyou for visiting Booksareus"-