I have written a console version of a program that has 1 menu (5 possible choices). Then after selecting one, it goes into a second screen where you enter the values and eventuelly the calculation takes place.
Now i want the exact same program in a Windows Form version.
- I have added 4 options for my combo box, and they are now listed when i run the form
- The problem if i select 1 option of the combo box how do i let all the buttons,texboxes,labels etc change along? I will try to explain the catch below.
Combo box = 4 different options (basicly its 1 formula getting 4 different values out of it, Wich are Rent, begin amount, end amount, amount of years)
*Rent % => things to fill in : start amount, end amount, amount of years
* start amount => things to fill in: end amount, rent %, amount of years
*end amount => things to fill in: start amount, rent, amount of years
*amount of years => things to fill in start amount, end amount, rent %
So basicly if i select a option from the combo box the textboxes,labels etc have to change along. But in the entire program only 4 textboxes and labels are used.
So if i select Rent from the combo box only the start amount, end amount and amount of years + the calculate button & a label for result should be displayed.
Visa versa if i select any of the others mentioned above.
I have tried looking everywhere but i cannot seem to find a way find out where to link them.