Hi, i am new to python world
my problem is that i am getting a output file from a software which is very messy first i just want to delete first 3 rows and the columns F onwards from the excel file and that i just want to change the title of each column.

here is the format
Nominal Dates: 12/6/2009 to 12/6/2009
Employee Group: OTHER
Start Date: 12/6/2009
Code: COACH ID Employee Name Start Time Stop Time Duration Memo
1234 name1 MADDY MAIL/MM <12/2/2009 22:56:56>
4567 name2 MADDY MAIL/MM <12/2/2009 22:56:56>
1254 name3 MADDY MAIL/MM <12/2/2009 22:56:56>
4568 name4 MADDY MAIL/MM <12/2/2009 22:56:56>

Code: EWOP ID Employee Name Start Time Stop Time Duration Memo
8972 name5 11:32 PM 5:00 AM 5:28 AM/RTA <12/6/2009 13:15:00>
7392 name6 8:15 AM 10:00 AM 1:45 No Sick bal/gg <12/6/2009 20:08:18>
i just want need the data from the code which is id but the software through it like that name, start time, end time and duration.

please help



If the file is a Microsoft Excel file, why not work on it in Excel. Otherwise you have to deal with the formating that Excel adds to it. Otherwise if you could change it to a database, text file or xml file you would find it much easier to manage.

If the file is a Microsoft Excel file, why not work on it in Excel. Otherwise you have to deal with the formating that Excel adds to it. Otherwise if you could change it to a database, text file or xml file you would find it much easier to manage.

we already have a macro to get a final file but we just want to eliminate that part by automating it. can u please help me uploading this kind of excel to mysql db
thank you very much for replying

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