Hi guys,

could somebody here tell me how to color the current text line in richTextBox Object, or where can I search for this feature???



Look at RichTextBox.Select() , see if the code below helps:

// The draw back to this is if a line wraps it will continue the 
// selection until a newline char is found.
int startIndex = myRtfEdit.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine();
int selectionLength = myRtfEdit.Text.IndexOf('\n', startIndex) - startIndex;
if(selectionLength > 0) myRtfEdit.Select(startIndex, selectionLength);

Thanks about answering my question, but actually this NOT what I want.
What I want is highlight or coloring the current row of text in richTextBox object, not selecting text.



Actually it is key to what you want to do. To do most things in a RichTextBox you need to select the text you wish to alter so selecting that text can be the most complicated part.

with the above in mind consider the following:

myRtfEdit.SelectionColor = Color.Blue;
myRtfEdit.SelectionFont = myFont;
myRtfEdit.SelectionBackColor = Color.Gray;
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