The program needs to read an excel file that contains a list of data (a list of students, thier module mark, student ID) The data needs to be presented in the following format:
User ID : Name : Module ID : Mark
The program also needs to have a menu system like
A. Read Marks file (I have no idea how to do that)
B. Sort - (I sort of know how to this)
C. Print student marks (no idea)
D. Print average mark for a module (that shouldn't be a problem, calculating the mean)
E. Print the highest and lowest mark for a module (I dont quite get how to acomplish that)
F. Quit -(I know how to do this)
Creating a menu system is simple enough, I am going make a switch statement and call up methods for each menu item. I am going to be using JCreator Pro for making this program. My main question is how do you get java to read an excel file which contains the data, the user needs to be promted to enter a file path to load the marks file, How would you do this? I understand it will be with the use of arrays I think. Also how would I get the program to prompt the user for a student ID , then print the given students marks for all modules which is part C of my menu. For Part B of my menu I need to sort the data into ascending based on userID then write the data to a new file
(sorted_marks.txt) in your program directory. I am a little bit confused with this as well.
I would be greatful if someone could give me some help with this, at the moment all I have is the menu printing out on the screen.