Hello, I am using Blue J, I have 3 classes, time, date and patient. When I run the patient class, I can put patient details like name, address, DoB, time.
The time and date classes are separate classes, how can I store the date (int) and time which I enter on patient class to be store on date and time classes. I already have fields in time and date classes but I dont know how to link these classes i.e link date class with patient class
I would like to store the date of birth to date class once its entered
Here is my patient class
//Patient Class store patient details such as name, age
* Field declaration for patient, which stores each input to indicated type
* p stands for patient (abbreviation)
* Task 2.1
public class Patient
private int pReference;
private String pName;
private String gpName;
private int pDateD;
private int pDateM;
private int pDateY;
private String pArrived;
private String pTreated;
// Constrcutor resets objects
// Each field is set
// Task 2.2
public Patient (int refre, String name, String gp, int day, int month, int year)
pDateD = day;
pDateM = month;
pDateY = year;
pArrived = null;
pTreated = null;
pReference = refre;
gpName = gp;
pName = name;
// Accessor returns patient reference
// Task 2.3
public int getPatientNo()
return pReference;
// Accessor returns GP name given to gpName
// Task 2.3
public String getGPName()
return gpName;
// Accessor returns date of birth in correct format
// Task 2.3
public String getDOB()
char dash = '/';
return "" + pDateD + dash + pDateM + dash + pDateY;