what is the main function for this variable in the code

int n= 1;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Qustion3C{
public static void main (String args[]){
int[] a={1,4,9,6,1,9,7,8,2};
int x;
int n= 1;   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< wondering about this
String c;
c= JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "please Enter x value");
x= Integer.parseInt(c);

for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++){
if (a[i]==x){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"we found x in index="+i);
n= 2;
break; }
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "-1");

What do you think it is used for?

i don't know
coz that am asking
any help ?

Well, as I can, see this is some sort of quiz, or homework, so I am not simply going to give you the answer which is the reason I asked you what you think it for.

No one said you had to know/provide the right answer, immediately, but it will, eventually, be an answer that you figure out, with clues and hints and corrections along the way, not an answer that you are given. If you want an answer given to you then wait on the corrections provided by your instructor after whatever it is has already been graded.

Look at what happens to n through the code.
n = 1, line 7
n = 2, line 15
At line 18 the program will show a dialog box if n = 1, do n = 1 at that particular point of the program?

Here's another clue. It should have been a boolean. And calling it "n" was an act of crass stupidity.

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