include a derive class named sphere from the base circle class. the only additional class members of sphere should be s constructor and a calcval () function that returns the volume of the sphere... please kindly help me in correcting the code..
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const double PI=2.0 * asin(1.0);
//class declaration
class sphere
double radius;
sphere(double =1.0);
double calcval();
// implementation section for sphere
sphere::sphere(double r) // constructor
radius =r;
// caculate the area of a sphere
double sphere::calcval()
return(PI * radius * radius);
// class declaretion for derive class
// cylinder which is derived from sphere
class cylinder : public sphere
double length; // add one additional data member and
public: // two additional function members
cylinder(double r=1.0, double 1 =1.0) : sphere (r), length(1) {}
double calcval();
//implementation for sphere
double sphere::calcval() // this calculate the volume
return (4/3(PI * radius * radius * radius)); // note the base function call
int main()
sphere sphere_1, sphere_2(2); // creat two sphere objects
cylinder cylinder_1(3,4) // create one cylinder object
cout << "The area of sphere_1 is " << sphere_1.calcval() << end1;
cout << "The area of sphere_2 is " << sphere_2.calcval() << end1;
cout << "The volume of cylinder_1 is " << cylinder_1.calcavl()<< end1;
sphere_1 = cylinder_1; // assign a cylinder to a sphere
cout << "\nThe area of sphere_1 is now" << sphere_1.calcval() << end1;
return 0;