theABCasian 0 Light Poster

hello all
im having as the title would suggest a runtime crash in my program cant quite figure out why hits some ware around enter tenant name. line 53

void ComplexInterface::editUnit(){
	bool test = false;
	do {
		int unitToEdit;
		cout << "choose a Unit to edit " << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; ++i) {
			cout << i+1 << " " <<complexList[i].getTenantName();
		cout << "enter " << numberOfUnits+1 << " to add a new unit";
		cout << "enter 0 to go back" << endl;
		cout << "Answer: ";
		cin >> unitToEdit;
		if (unitToEdit == 0) {
			test = true;
		else if (unitToEdit > 0 && unitToEdit <= numberOfUnits) {
		else if (unitToEdit == numberOfUnits+1) {
			int unitNumber, unitSiz, aptNumRepairs;
			double balDue;
			string tenantName;
			cout << "enter the unit Number: ";
			cin >> unitNumber;
			cout << "enter the unit size: ";
			cin >> unitSiz;
			cout << "enter the number of repairs: ";
			cin >> aptNumRepairs;
			int repairArray[aptNumRepairs];
			for (int i = 0; i < aptNumRepairs; ++i) {
				int boolCheck;
				string repairName, repairInfo;
				bool done;
				cout << "enter repair Name: ";
				cout << "enter repair Info: ";
				cout << "is the repair compleate 1:Yes 2:No";
				cin >> boolCheck;
				if (boolCheck == 1) {
					done = true;
				else if (boolCheck = false) {
					done = false;
				Repairs tempRepair(repairName,numberOfRepairs+1,repairInfo,done);
			cout << "enter name of Tenant: ";
			int *repPtr = repairArray;
			Tenants newTenant(unitNumber,balDue,unitSiz,aptNumRepairs,tenantName,repPtr);
	} while (!test);

full project is in the zip and im using eclipse with g++
thanks for any help.

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