Hey All
I want to create a simple dice golf game in C#
The basic idea is:
A player rolls 3 random dice until they roll a double
The number of rolls taken until a double is rolled is calculated and displayed on the console
This is run 18 times until all 18 holes are completed
Final score is displayed on the console
I started some of the code so far but i'm not really sure where i should be heading or what i should be doing..
(The code is a bit of a mess and doesn't really anything, ive just been noting down things i might need to include as i go along and havent organised them yet)
I hope you can help me :)
using System;
namespace dicegame1
public class RandDice
public static void Main()
Random ran = new Random();
int player1;
int player2;
int player1RoundScore;
int player2RoundScore;
bool player1RoundScore = false;
bool player2RoundScore = false;
int roundNumber;
// Random dice rolling //
int diceOne = ran.Next(1,7);
int diceTwo = ran.Next(1,7);
int diceThree = ran.Next(1,7);
Console.write(ran.Next(1,7) + " ");
Console.write(ran.Next(1,7) + " ");
if (diceOne == diceTwo || diceTwo == diceThree || diceOne == diceThree)