I made the game Mastermind using C++ and would like anyone who wants to test it and let me know what they think. It comes with instructions, but since I wrote them and I know how to play the game, they might not be clear.
Note: If this post is not supposed to go here feel free to delete or whatever. If there is a better place for stuff like this to go, please let me know.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> // For time()
#include <cstdlib> // For srand() and rand()
using namespace std;
void displayIntro();
void prompt(char guess[], int n);
bool gaveOver(char guess[], char right[]);
char convertToColor(int num);
// #######################################################
int main(void)
char symbol;
char guess[4];
char right[4];
bool playAgain = true;
bool won;
int numGuesses;
while (playAgain) {
won = false;
numGuesses = 10;
cout << endl;
// generate the correct random sequence
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int temp = (rand() % 6) + 1;
right[i] = convertToColor(temp);
//cout << right[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
// loop until the user gets the right value
while (!won && numGuesses > 0)
prompt(guess, numGuesses);
won = gaveOver(guess, right);
if (won)
cout << "You win! The correct sequence was " << right[0] << " "
<< right[1] << " " << right[2] << " " << right[3] << endl;
cout << "You lost! The correct sequence was " << right[0] << " "
<< right[1] << " " << right[2] << " " << right[3] << endl;
cout << "Would you like to play again (Y or N): ";
cin >> symbol;
playAgain = (symbol == 'Y' || symbol == 'y') ? true : false;
return 0;
} // end main
// #######################################################
bool gaveOver(char guess[], char right[])
int totalRight = 0;
int rightColor = 0;
int grab;
bool exclude[4];
bool excludeColor[4];
bool inList = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
exclude[i] = false;
excludeColor[i] = false;
// loops to determine which have both the correct color and position
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (guess[i] == right[i])
exclude[i] = true;
// loops to determine if any colors are correct, just in the wrong position
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (!exclude[i])
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
if (!exclude[j] && i != j)
if ((guess[i] == right[j]) && !excludeColor[j])
inList = true;
grab = j;
if (inList)
inList = false;
excludeColor[grab] = true;
if (totalRight == 4)
return true;
cout << totalRight << ", " << rightColor << endl;
return false;
} // end gameOver
// #######################################################
void prompt(char guess[], int n)
cout << "Enter your guess (" << n << "): ";
cin >> guess[0] >> guess[1] >> guess[2] >> guess[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (guess[i] > 91) // lower case level
guess[i] = guess[i] - 32;
} // end prompt
// #######################################################
char convertToColor(int num)
switch (num)
case 1:
return static_cast<char>(66);
case 2:
return static_cast<char>(71);
case 3:
return static_cast<char>(79);
case 4:
return static_cast<char>(80);
case 5:
return static_cast<char>(82);
case 6:
return static_cast<char>(89);
} // end convertToColor
// #######################################################
void displayIntro()
cout << "======================= Welcome to Mastermind =======================" << endl;
cout << "Mastermind is a game of logic." << endl;
cout << "The goal is to use logic to guess the correct four color combination" << endl;
cout << "by using your previous guesses as clues." << endl;
cout << "Everytime you guess, you will be told how close to the goal you are." << endl;
cout << "The first number says how many were in the right place. " << endl;
cout << "The second number says how many of the right colors you have in the wrong place.";
cout << "To guess, enter the first letter of each color." << endl;
cout << "Available colors are Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red and Yellow." << endl;
cout << "An sample guess would be look like this: R R G B" << endl;
cout << "=====================================================================";