In the program below, I have two questions. First, the first object, card1 passes the strings A & c to it's master class. What I want to know is, what do these two strings have to do with the A & c in RANKS & SUITS? If the class had been based the number of the element in RANKS & SUITS I wouldn't be confused right now but I don't see RANKS or SUITS being used.
Secondly, why is there an __init__ method inside the Positionable_Card class with rank and suit, but is then instructed to use rank and suit from it's base class? Thanks for any and all replies.
# Playing Cards 3.0
# Demonstrates inheritance - overriding methods
class Card(object):
""" A playing card. """
RANKS = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]
SUITS = ["c", "d", "h", "s"]
def __init__(self, rank, suit):
self.rank = rank
self.suit = suit
def __str__(self):
rep = self.rank + self.suit
return rep
class Unprintable_Card(Card):
"""A Card that won't reveal it's ran or suit when printed. """
def __str__(self):
return "<unprintable>"
class Positionable_Card(Card):
""" A Card that can be face up or face down. """
def __init__(self, rank, suit, face_up = True):
super(Positionable_Card, self).__init__(rank, suit)
self.is_face_up = face_up
def __str__(self):
if self.is_face_up:
rep = super(Positionable_Card, self).__str__()
rep = "XX"
return rep
def flip(self):
self.is_face_up = not self.is_face_up
# main
card1 = Card("A", "c")
card2 = Unprintable_Card("A", "d")
card3 = Positionable_Card("A", "h")
print "Printing a Card object:"
print card1
print "\nPrinting an Unprintable_Card object:"
print card2
print "\nPrinting a Positionable_Card object:"
print card3
print "Flipping the Positionable_Card object."
print "Printing the Positionable_Card object:"
print card3
raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")