I have been tasked to write this shell script in Linux and I dont know how to begin. Can anyone help me out with this please.:cry:
Create a shell script file called “lookup with a loop that prompts the user for a name to search on, reads a name the user inputs from the keyboard into a shell variable, prints the number of matches that are in your phonebook file as well as the matched name(s) and phone number(s), and keeps looping back until the user enters “quit. Turn in the final code for this script. If your script doesn’t work, you can still get partial credit based on how close to making it work you get. Full credit will require appropriate spacing, indentation to make your script code easier to read, comments within the script documenting your code flow, and user friendly features/prompts. This will require that you use shell script variables, input, output, counting and looping commands. Your script must contain those types of shell script operations in order to receive full credit.
You will need to change the permissions on the “lookup file so that it is executable before the script can be run, and you will also probably have to specify the path to the file to get it to run. (type /home/demo/lookup or ~/lookup or ./lookup)