Hi Everyone
hi was trying to call a different and Anonymous objects into my form
but i can't reach to the right method tyo do that
my matter here is falls under calling a tree view....
i mean any tree view !!!
i was trying to handle this code but it doesn't work
Dim tr As Control
For Each tr In Me.Controls
If TypeOf tr Is TreeView Then
Do Until tr.Nodes.Count <= 1000
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = 0
y = 0
tr.Nodes(x).BackColor = Color.Navy
x += 1
tr.Nodes(y).BackColor = Color.White
y += 1
End If
as i mean i tried to crate a loop into treeview nodes to change the colors but it doesn't work
and have a casting exception
so if you have some help
please tell me
thanks a lot