hello can you please help me on how to make the loading bar in java
can you make this code..i have a program and i want to put a loading bar ..thanks in advance hoping for your positive responds.

There are the JProgressBar, JScrollBar classes that might be usefull to you. For better results, maybe you need to put one of them in a thread. One thread will do the loading and the other will display the loading bar

can you give me the complete code of JProgreesBar..i dont have idea in making the code please help me so that i can have idea on this..thanks in advance.

Nobody is giving you anything except advice (and I find even that doubtful at this point). Read the rules or go away.

can you give me the complete code of JProgreesBar..i dont have idea in making the code please help me so that i can have idea on this..thanks in advance.

Read the API for the classes mentioned here and see what you can do.
A link with a tutorial has also been provided in a previous post. Did you find it helpful?

thanks for giving me this idea

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