Hi, I've been working on this project off and on. I am very close to completing in.
What it is is a program that calculates temperature from fahrenheit - centigrade - Kelvin. Please feel free to help.
Here's my code sorry for the length of it:
//-- Shaun D. --
//Started on 1/02/10
//-- PURPOSE: To convert Temperatures from F to C to K
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
public class TempConversion extends JFrame
//Math constants start
private static int OFFSET = 32;
private static double FTOC = 5/9;
private static double CTOF = 9/5;
private static int KOFFSET = 273; //Kelvin Offset
private static int WIDTH = 700;
private static int HEIGHT = 150;
//TextFields Start
private JTextField CentigradeTF;
private JTextField FahrenheitTF;
private JTextField KelvinTF;
//Labels start
private JLabel lblcent;
private JLabel lblkelv;
private JLabel lblfahr;
//Decimal Formats
DecimalFormat dfFahr = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
DecimalFormat dfCent = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
DecimalFormat dfKelv = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
//Handlers start
private CentHandler CentigradeHandler;
private FahrHandler FahrenheitHandler;
private KelvHandler KelvinHandler;
public TempConversion()
super("Temperature Conversion Program v. 1.0");
Container c = getContentPane();
c.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,8));
lblfahr = new JLabel("Fahrenheit: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
lblcent = new JLabel("Centigrade: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
lblkelv = new JLabel("Kelvin: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
FahrenheitTF = new JTextField(15);
CentigradeTF = new JTextField(15);
KelvinTF = new JTextField(15);
CentHandler CentigradeHandler = new CentHandler();
FahrHandler FahrenheitHandler = new FahrHandler();
KelvHandler KelvinHandler = new KelvHandler();
//Add Components to Container
c.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
class FahrHandler implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
double fahrenheit, centigrade, kelvin;
fahrenheit = FahrenheitTF.getText(fahrEntered); //Get Fahrenheit numbers and do math :)!!!
centigrade = (FTOC) * (fahrenheit - OFFSET); //centigrade = (5/9) * (fahrenheit - 32)
kelvin = centigrade + KOFFSET; //kelvin = centigrade degrees + 273(<~KOFFset)
CentigradeTF = Double.parseDouble.setText(dfCent.format(centigrade));
KelvinTF = Double.parseDouble.setText(dfKelv.format(kelvin));
class CentHandler implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
double centigrade, fahrenheit, kelvin;
centigrade = CentigradeTF.getText();
fahrenheit = (CTOF) * (centigrade - OFFSET);
kelvin = centigrade + KOFFSET;
FahrenheitTF = Double.parseDouble.setText(dfFahr.format(fahrenheit));
KelvinTF = Double.parseDouble.setText(dfKelv.format(kelvin));
class KelvHandler implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
double centigrade, fahrenheit, kelvin;
kelvin = KelvinTF.getText();
fahrenheit = ((Kelvin - 273) * CTOF) + 32;
centigrade = kelvin - KOFFSET;
FahrenheitTF = Double.parseDouble.setText(dfFahr.format(fahrenheit));
CentigradeTF = Double.parseDouble.setText(dfCent.format(centigrade));
public static void main(String args[])
TempConversion tempConvert = new TempConversion();
(On my java compiler I have 10 errors to solve)