I've developed an application for my company which auto-downloads DSS files from FTP location. My problems lies in File Conversion.
Currently, I'm using switch to convert DSS to WAV, code is given in below. But the problem is that even if I try using "-hide" args in the code a small windows (which says DECODING & has progress bar and a cancel button) still remains opens which enables a user to cancel/hamper the process of conversion.
Is their any way I can hide that? Or any other way I can convert DSS files to WAV without using Switch Software(http://www.NCH.com.au)?
My current code is as follows :
private void GenerateWavFiles()
RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software");
if (SearchSubKey(key, "NCH Swift Sound") == true)
btnStartProcess.Enabled = false;
Process proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) + @"\NCH Swift Sound\Switch\switch.exe";
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "-hide -clear -exit";
lblStatus.Text = "Convert dss to wav. Please wait.....";
sw.Write(Environment.NewLine + "Start convert dss to wav." + Environment.NewLine);
while (!proc.HasExited)
if (proc.HasExited)
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "-hide -convert -addfolder \"" + sDSSFolder + "\" -format .wav -outfolder \"" + sDSSFolder + "\" -overwrite ALWAYS -hide -exit";
while (!proc.HasExited)
sw.Write("End convert dss to wav." + Environment.NewLine);
lblStatus.Text = "Conversion finished.";
btnStartProcess.Enabled = true;