I read this code section from a tutorial, but I cannot understand it thoroughly. It is about Pointer & Class Pointer & Array Pointer.
This is it:
// pointer to classes example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CRectangle {
int width, height;
// prototype
void set_values (int,int);
// method
int area (void) {
return (width * height);
// definion
void CRectangle :: set_values (int a, int b) {
width = a;
height = b;
void main () {
CRectangle a, *b, *c;
[b]CRectangle * d = new CRectangle[2];[/b]
b = new CRectangle;
c = &a;
b -> set_values(3,4);
[b]d -> set_values(5,6);
cout << "a area: " << a.area() << endl;
cout << "*b area: " << b -> area() << endl;
cout << "*c area: " << c -> area() << endl;
[b]cout << "d[0] area: " << d[0].area() << endl;
cout << "d[1] area: " << d[1].area() << endl;[/b]
delete[] d;
delete b;
I try to search google and understand some parts of this code. But when it contains many concepts (i.e. pointer, array, class) in the BOLD section, I cannot grasp the points. Many operators (*, ->, etc. ), and I failed to distinguish between them.
Please explain it for me, especially the section in BOLD.
BTW, I see the "new" operator is very different from java one, is it right?
Thanks for any help.