I am trying to create an image with text hebrew in it using Image and ImageDraw moduls but I keep getting erros. this is the code
import Image
import ImageDraw
a = u'\u05d0'#the unicode of the letter I want to display

this is the error I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#14>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\PIL\ImageDraw.py", line 267, in text
mask = font.getmask(text, self.fontmode)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u05d0' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

any help would be appriciated


We can't help without knowing what encoding your program uses (obviously not the right one). It appears to work fine with the universal utf-8 encoding, see here http://effbot.org/pyfaq/what-does-unicodeerror-ascii-decoding-encoding-error-ordinal-not-in-range-128-mean.htm

a = unicode('\u05d0', "utf-8")
print a

I tried to use unicode as you suggested but it simply wrote on the BMP the actual letters '\u05d0'.

I want to write to the screen hebrew lettering, for example ('אריאל')
how can I chack the encoding my machine is using?

or better yet what should I change iorder for the code to work?

import Image
import ImageDraw
a = "אריאל" #or any other hebrew string


Do you have Hebrew fonts installed on your system? Try the following and see if it prints an Alef. I don't know much about Hebrew, but it appears that the iso8859_8 encoding should be used. Note that all of this depends on which Python version you are using. I tested this on Python 2.6.4

a = unichr(1488)
b = a.encode("iso8859_8")
print "b =",b

Do you have Hebrew fonts installed on your system? Try the following and see if it prints an Alef. I don't know much about Hebrew, but it appears that the iso8859_8 encoding should be used. Note that all of this depends on which Python version you are using. I tested this on Python 2.6.4

a = unichr(1488)
b = a.encode("iso8859_8")
print "b =",b

when I print it from the shall python (print a) it works fine. the problem is that when I use d.text((0,0),a) in order to draw it to a bitmap , it write some other ascii lettering

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