So i suppose to do some Matrix calculator and perform some calculation by using classes.
But we need to copy the square matrixes to other matrix to perform the calculation without changing the actual value.
So we can use the same matrix and just changing the form to
upper or lower triangular ,etc...
Can someone please help me...
Your advise is very much appreciated
Thank You

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

class Matrix
	public :
		Matrix ();
		Matrix (int,int);
		Matrix (const Matrix&);
		void lowerTriangleM();
		void upperTriangleM();
		void diagonalM();
		void transpose();
		void addMatrix (const Matrix&);
		void minusMatrix ( const Matrix&);
		Matrix multiplyMatrix (const Matrix&);
		bool equality (const Matrix&) const;
		void printMatrix ();
	private :
		int row;
		int col;
		int **m;
		void initMatrix();
		void generateMatrix();

Matrix::Matrix ()
	// do nothing

Matrix::Matrix (int row,int col)
	Matrix:: initMatrix ();
	this -> row = row;
	this -> col = col;
	m = new int* [row];
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		m [i] = new int [col];
	Matrix :: generateMatrix ();
	Matrix :: printMatrix();
Matrix::~Matrix ()
	cout << "Garbage collection - Matrix 1" << endl;
	int sum=0;
	for(int i=0;i<row;i++)
		delete m[i];
		delete m;
		cout << "Row " << sum++ << " deleted" << endl;	  	  
	cout <<"Whole Matrix deleted" << endl;

Matrix::Matrix (const Matrix& m)
	this->row = m.row;
	this->col = m.col;
	this->m = m.m;

void Matrix::initMatrix ()
	row = 0;
	col = 0;

void Matrix::generateMatrix ()
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
			m [i][j] = rand () % 10;
void Matrix:: lowerTriangleM ()
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		cout << "\t" << "[";
		for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
			cout << m [i][j] << "\t";
		cout << "]";
		cout << endl;

void Matrix::upperTriangleM()
	// generate an lower triangle type

void Matrix::diagonalM()
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		cout << "\t" << "[";
		for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
			if(i != j)
				m[i][j] = 0;
			cout << m [i][j] << "\t";
		cout << "]";
		cout << endl;

void Matrix :: transpose()
	// generate transpose matrix
void Matrix::addMatrix (const Matrix&)
	// to calculate addition inside the matrix

void Matrix::minusMatrix ( const Matrix&)
	//  tp Substract all the elements inside the matrix

bool Matrix:: equality (const Matrix&) const
	return true;

void Matrix::printMatrix ()
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		cout << "\t" << "[";
		for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
			cout << m [i][j] << "\t";
		cout << "]";
		cout << endl;

Matrix Matrix::multiplyMatrix (const Matrix& m)
	// Multiply matrix

int main ()
	int option;
	int choose;
	char choice;
	int order;
	srand (time(NULL));
	int row;
	int col;
	int **m;

		cout << endl;
		cout << "Matrix Calculator" << endl;
		cout << "Here are some of the options" << endl;
		cout << " 1 . An example of square Matrix" << endl;
		cout << " 2 . Properties of square Matrix" << endl;
		cout << " 3 . Matrices operations" << endl;
		cout << " 9 . Quit"<< endl;
		cout << "Your option: ";
		cin >> option;
		if (option==1)
				cout << "An example of Matrix " << endl;
				cout << endl;
				cout << "Enter the number of rows :";
				cin >> row;
				cout << "Enter the number of columns :";
				cin >> col;
				cout << endl;
				cout << "Matrix is" << endl;
				Matrix m1(row,col);
				cout << "See more example (Y/N) ? ";
				cin >> choice;
				cout << setw(80) << setfill ('-') << " "<<endl;	  	  	  	  	  	  	  
			}while (choice!='n'&&choice!='N');	     	 
		else if (option==2)
			cout << " Here are some of the properties of square matrix" << endl;
			cout << " Enter the order n of n x n matrix : ";
			cin >> order;
			row = col = order;
			cout << " Here is the square Matrix" << endl;
			Matrix m2(row,col);	   	   	   
				cout << "Wish to see some special matrices" << endl;
				cout << endl;
				cout << " 1. Diagonal matrix" << endl;
				cout << " 2. Lower triangular matrix" << endl;
				cout << " 3. Upper triangular matrix" << endl;
				cout << " 4. Transpose of a matrix" << endl;
				cout << " 9. Not interested" << endl;
				cout << "Your choice: ";
				cin >> choose;
				if (choose == 1)
				else if (choose == 2)
			}while (choose!=9);
	}while (option!=9); 

So are u getting errors ?
If yes, post them here .
If no, post the output of the program here ?

Can you rephrase your qns again?

What about the code for adding, subtracting, transpose?

Before jumping to the math function members have you run your code to see if you can declare a Matrix, delete a Matrix, copy a Matrix and assign one Matrix to another without the program crashing? In particular I have questions about the deletion operator, and the copy constructor.

Do you know how to add, subtract and transpose a matrix using pencil and paper? If so, then you should be able to make a pretty good stab about how to do it with code as well. Do just one function at a time, thogh. Don't write code for all three functions and then try to debug them all at the same time.

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