Hi, I'm working through the 3rd chapter of Thinking in C++ Vol 1 by Bruce Eckel (free online). I am using Code::Blocks as my IDE. I've try searching for this problem through the forum but haven't found a solution; I think it might be a IDE-specific problem.
The undefined reference error pops up when I try to compile Bitwise.cpp, which references printBinary.h which uses a function in printBinary.cpp. All 3 files are located in the same directory (in a folder called "C++" in My Documents).
The error message says "undefined reference to 'printBinary(unsigned char)'
For your convenience, I have pasted the code below:
//: C03:printBinary.h
// Display a byte in binary
void printBinary(const unsigned char val);
//: C03:printBinary.cpp {O}
#include <iostream>
void printBinary(const unsigned char val) {
for(int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
if(val & (1 << i))
std::cout << "1";
std::cout << "0";
} ///:~
//: C03:Bitwise.cpp
//{L} printBinary
// Demonstration of bit manipulation
#include "printBinary.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// A macro to save typing:
#define PR(STR, EXPR) \
cout << STR; printBinary(EXPR); cout << endl;
int main() {
unsigned int getval;
unsigned char a, b;
cout << "Enter a number between 0 and 255: ";
cin >> getval; a = getval;
PR("a in binary: ", a);
cout << "Enter a number between 0 and 255: ";
cin >> getval; b = getval;
PR("b in binary: ", b);
PR("a | b = ", a | b);
PR("a & b = ", a & b);
PR("a ^ b = ", a ^ b);
PR("~a = ", ~a);
PR("~b = ", ~b);
// An interesting bit pattern:
unsigned char c = 0x5A;
PR("c in binary: ", c);
a |= c;
PR("a |= c; a = ", a);
b &= c;
PR("b &= c; b = ", b);
b ^= a;
PR("b ^= a; b = ", b);
} ///:~
Any help greatly appreciated =D